Hash Trash
Hash Flash

Est 1983 - ON PRES: Robin Low


Run: 445

25thFebruary 2001

'Chez Barclay' Middleton
Hare: Dave Barclay

A bright, crisp and snowy morning found the usual suspects outside Chez Barclay listening to the excuses of the Hare for closing down the pub before we even got there. The J.M?s called the pack to order with an explanation of who has and who has not got foot & mouth and why future runs may have their locations changed. Then on to the ramblings of the one Hare Dave Barclay, and off across the estate to find the first check amidst unfriendly natives of the nimby variety. The check was found and the pack ambled around the byeways of Middleton before coming to a check which fooled even the hare as he claimed he did not know that an alleyway shortcutted his trail. Honourable hashers ignored the shortcut and went the correct way whilst some used this to their advantage and managed to forge ahead. The true trail led us to the main road and then back along another alleyway (what does Dave do for fun to know all the back alleys in his locality?) into the fields of Middleton. With Pete Colgate showing local knowledge we all followed blindly until we came to a vary gooey check and whilst he and James disappeared into the distance Dave Enticott also showing local knowledge suggested that a back check may be a good idea. As we went back we saw both JMs giving a lesson on the history of hashing to two innocent passers-by. Was this hash promotion or just a chance for a rest?

We encountered another check to find James fleeing down the trail followed by our cries of 'Call, Call'. Allegedly he did call but as this was so quiet he has been awarded the nickname of 'Whispers'. It turned out that it did not matter as he was on a falsie anyway. But back to the trial and then a devious little falsie that Robin the Can Man (where did he get that hat , and can they be obtained as Hash garb?) and Alan insisted was false but a trail just to the right went on pass the falsie to the next check. The same trick was tried again but this time to no avail - even hashers learn eventually.

So across a muddy field and then down a muddy path until the next check where another muddy field led us to a path that Alan and I dutifully ran around only to see the pack cutting across to the exit of the fields. Newcomer Maria who had been press ganged by Robin said she did not know that she had to look for things as well as run. Welcome to hashing. So across the roadways of Middleton once more until the trail led us to the main road and with Dave Enticott smelling home (or beer) he led the pack in and back to the Barclay residence.

As the pub had been demolished Dave B, kindly offered the pack refreshment and crisps whilst the JM?s made their decision regarding the hashit.

After Mussolini had gone through everybody in the pack as a nominee the hashit was finally given to Amanda the Panda for getting stuck on a stile and declaring ? I can?t get my leg over!?.

I am amazed that in the entire pack there was not a volunteer to help her out of this predicament. So looking forward to the next hash at Avenue de Chatres due to foot and mouth.

Humble Scribe

We are getting short of volunteers for trail laying. Do your bit. YOUR PACK NEEDS YOU!

PS - Mike Brown is considering a French Hash, so please make your feelings known to him

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