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Hash Flash

Est 1983 - ON PRES: Robin Low

RunDateHare(s)DescriptionMapRef1:500001:250001:10000 Aerial
6732009-11-22The Doc & The ChamoisAmbersham Common New Road SU912194

The local radio was broadcasting a severe weather warning for the next two hours, the rain had set in, and hashers were gathering in the little carpark off the east side of New Road.
There was a bunch of newbies who were literally in for a baptism, a Catherine, a Simon, a Peter, a Tom, and a Ben.
By eleven the storm had wound itself up to full force and the hares did their best to make their feeble voices heard above the wooshing of the wind in the trees and the machine gun rattle of the rain on the chariot roofs, I think they said “good luck” as we charged off into maelstrom.

The rapidly disappearing trail headed north west at first, then north east, the larger than usual pack having little difficulties in finding their way through the eastern tunnel under the old rail track and into Hyde Park.
However after crossing the footbridge to the west and turning back towards the old rail track the true trail had washed out only leaving a falsie through the western tunnel.
The “only use this map if you get lost” map was consulted momentarily in order to get us going again due west.

At the next check a select bunch (Pancsi,Mussolini,Splasher) managed to overrun a washed out falsie and stumbled on to one of the inbound checks, they had to be brought back while the main pack found its way to a regroup further to the west.
The mark at this regroup was literally underwater, a puddle had formed on top of the flour which had turned into streaks of white dough.
It was at this point that Pink Flamingo said “has anyone seen Trevor?” and a brief rollcall established beyond any doubt that he was no longer with us, after an extensive search which lasted all of a minute or so we carried on.

Heading south now and with the storm relenting somewhat the pack arrived en-masse at the next check where Splasher, without the aid of a push or a shove, made a swallow dive into a large puddle, rolled on his back and wallowed in the glorious mud, nothing quite like it for cooling ....etc.
The flour was holding up well through the heavily wooded section that we entered next, but was all gone as we emerged so another map consultation was needed to find the trail that now headed due east and towards the chariots.

The weather improved rapidly with brief spells of sunshine as we made it through the final few checks to the On-In after about one hour and thirty minutes.

What about Trevor ?, well he had found his way back before us.

There were a few nominations, Gilly for loosing her shoe in the mud, Ben for a spectacular dive, the Hash-It being awarded to Splasher for providing his own special brand of aquatic entertainment.

The Unicorn in Heyshott as usual was the Inn of preference.



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Last Updated: 17 April 2024 | © Chichester Hash House Harriers