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Est 1983 - ON PRES: Robin Low

RunDateHare(s)DescriptionMapRef1:500001:250001:10000 More
8182015-07-05Bambi & Old FaithfulMadehurst Houghton Forest SU997105

"My map has gone all runny" muttered Old Faithful. It was his own fault, he was too keen on whipping it out at a moment's notice on a morning that saw the rain hissing down relentlessly.

"Now we will have to lay the trail from memory" was his next ejaculation.

We're doomed, I thought.

Later, as the hashers gathered, there was little sign of the moisture that had made the morning so miserable. Considering that many regulars were otherwise engaged the turnout was decent with Wee Ginge's friend Sheila, Roaming Pussy, and Bogey Man paying us a visit as well as Two Ferrets recovering from having had her knee under the knife.

Snake Charmer and Dag stood in for our JMs and after the usual rubbish from the hares we were on our way south across the lane and into the trees below the rumbling A29.

A few easy checks took us west and then north to re-cross the lane and reach one of Old Faithful's specials, where to OF's delight there was much confusion before a load of short cutters forced their way east back towards the chariots.

Oh Dear! Canman had forgotten a carrier bag and was building a small cache for later collection.

Here, late arriver Bika joined us with his recently acquired Jack Russell that answers to the name of Aragorne and does very little barking unlike Kermit who will be off to Uni soon.

Now we embarked on a generally clockwise loop almost north to The Denture using some of the new bike trails that have sprung up under the dense canopy of Abies Grandis (according to Canman).

Although everyone was doing a some checking, it seemed that Splasher, Sinbad and Bogeyman were getting more than a fair share, and grumbling about it.

Just south of The Denture some sabotage or dog licking had converted a blob into a possible falsie, very depressing from a hares point of view, just as things were going so well, on the bright side it gave time for a lot of nattering with Aragorne scampering around making friends with anything that moved, people, dogs, butterflies (yum yum).

So with some help, the pack found the way east up the slope beneath Whiteways with Snake Charmer being the first to get the pricks and thorns of outrageous hashing.

You could just get a sniff of the bacon butties from the cafe in the round about car park as we headed south in the glare of a patch of open grassland to cross the lane and plunge back into the gloom of the trees beneath the A29.

Just a short sprint down the hill and then a flat bit and the On-In came into sight after an almost perfect one hour and seven minutes of steamy hashing.

Guess what? our stand in JMs could not think of a single joke, phew! what a relief, before they picked Bambi for grumbling about sabotage, Splasher for moaning again, and Canman for keeping us all waiting while he changed into yet another clean pair of yellow stockings. After a bit of a mixup the shoutometer was adjusted to award the Hash-It to Canman.

Then, while Soapbox diced with death to retrieve the HHH signs from the A29 we headed for the garden at The Spur to drink beer and eat crab.

On On! Bambi.


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Last Updated: 17 April 2024 | © Chichester Hash House Harriers