Hash Trash
Hash Flash

Est 1983 - ON PRES: Robin Low

RunDateHare(s)DescriptionMapRef1:500001:250001:10000 More
7842014-03-16Popeye & Olive OylChilgrove - West Dean Woods SU844151

20 or so turned out on a beautiful sunny day with the floods abated and spring in the air.
Our JM hares gave us the usual mixture of truths (no shiggy) and lies (it will be short).

We all knew that the run was to be in West Dean woods so we were initially fooled by heading down the road and then south west into open country.

We soon came across one of sculptor Goldsworthy's 14 Chalk Stones. These were placed in the area in 2002 between Cocking and West Dean

and the hash passed by the majority of them.

The pack headed north into the woods with the FRBs brought into line with a couple of fishhooks.

There was a Wordsworth inspired regroup.

We wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er West Dean hills,
When all at once we saw a crowd,
A host of golden daffodils;
Beside the path, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Whereupon we lay down among them for a snap shot.

Back on our uphill slog northwards Can man did his usual tumble.

A little detour into LynchBall Wood and we emerged onto the South Downs Way where we unexpectedly turned west.
This was just to admire the view.
We headed half a mile towards Cocking before heading southwards through Bepton Woods.

Brimstone butterflies are a welcome sight here in early spring - they can hibernate over winter in their winged state.
Plenty of shallow rooted spruce trees had fallen down during a wet windy winter making the tracks an obstacle course.

We returned along our outward track for the last k.

Thanks to the hares for 1 hour 36 minutes of good exercise. (Length: 8.24 km Ascent: +221m) - GPS Tracks.

Pancsi awarded the Hashit for his eagerness to run up hills.
We retired to the nice grassy garden of the Partridge Inn in Singleton where we enjoyed drinks in the sun



Hash Trash
Hash Flash
Last Updated: 17 April 2024 | © Chichester Hash House Harriers