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Est 1983 - ON PRES: Robin Low

RunDateHare(s) DescriptionMapRef1:500001:250001:10000More
9472020-08-02 11:00Kinky, Prancer et alEmsworth Dymoke St Car Park SU741077

The day dawned as trillions of days have in the past. This was a suntan lotion day, an ultraviolent day worthy of Ra. No one in the universe not even the total population of Ursa major arose that morning with the intention of forgetting about Bika, Yet by the time the proverbial cock had crowed a dozen times he had been forgotten.

We gathered for the off, not quite together and not quite apart, a large circle being familiar and convenient. Number one bubble hare admitted to a modicum of confusion regarding the exact course of the true trail, though we were not to worry as lashings of flour would greet us, practically a whole months output from Rank Hovis McDougall.

Presently we squeezed through the gap in the railings just north of the abandoned car and piles of fly tip, and entered the cool gloom of one of the last vestiges of the once extensive Forest of Bere.

Just because your paranoid doesn't mean they are not out to poison your dog. Would Kinky do something like that? well, possibly, everyone has a price after all, however not today.

The nice lady who had spent much of the morning clearing up all the neat piles of poison believed otherwise, even after a brief heartfelt verbal interaction with Olive Oil.

So there we were, no trail, and relying on Kinky's Sat Nav App, yet somehow we muddled through trying to keep ahead of number two bubble who could be heard close behind.

Heading North by North Eastish and for obvious reasons using sign language to communicate, we happened on the Sussex Border path, the part where anything goes, at least the sign indicated that it was a Permissive Right of Way.

It is hard to say who crossed Emsworth Common Road first, there being no pack as such, all certainly it was not Bambi.

Olive Oil knows this neck too well and was soon on to the obscure trail that runs North of North Westish into Blackbush copse a lush green biodiverse area, think of a tree, there is probably at least one in here somewhere.

What we did not see much of was flour, so Kinky whipped out his little gadget again but it did not help much as our line of hashers meandered through one of the magnificent groves of ancient yews and then headed South and chanced upon the trail again.

Soon we recrossed the road and were wandering around the newly constructed ancient wattle enclosure when we chanced upon a sad faced Bika with Aragorn in tow. "They forgot me" he said, "I came, I saw, all gone".

By rights we should have ignored him as we had a full bubble, but those sad bloodshot eyes and Sant Claus beard softened our hearts.

All that remained was a gentle jog through the silver birch and young chestnuts near Horndean Road before reaching the On-In after one hour and twenty two minutes or arboreal hashing.

We waited in the glare of the car park for number two bubble who arrived in dribs and drabs. Out came the cans of beer, can of rhubarb cider (Yuk!), a few clutching someone's large courgettes, we thanked the hares and did a bit of quipping before drifting away.

On On ! Bambi

See: Kinky's estimated track ... AND ... photos


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Last Updated: 17 April 2024 | © Chichester Hash House Harriers