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Est 1983 - ON PRES: Robin Low

RunDateHare(s) DescriptionMapRef1:500001:250001:10000More
9572021-04-25 11:00Bika & Woo WooClanfield Hampshire Hog SU715174

High pressure and a chilly wind from the arctic was with us, the drought continues and the Ampshur Og not able to slake our thirst, even so, two bubbles assembled in the car park with the rumble of the A3M below.

Old Faithful and Pru arrived. We have not had the pleasure of their company for over a year, so as you might imagine there was much catching up to do. So much so that we did not notice that the appointed hour had come and gone and that Snake Charmer was a bit late arriving.

Bika assured us that he and Woo Woo had adopted the "three blobs and you are on" convention and had used wood shavings, flour, or chalk marks at their whim. In fact Woo Woo was not to be seen, he was rumoured to be "out there " hacking away at brambles with his machete.

Bubbelo numero uno floated away north towards Butser House with Snake Charmer going for the pavement while Romping Donkey was unlucky on the overgrown path just below. Then Showjumper and Bambi got to the front when Snake charmer was lured West towards Wascoombe Bottom. Then the trail mounted the embankment just West of the howling traffic and headed North on a narrow white ribbon of chalk, cut deep into the loam by the passage of many a bike.

So there we were, gathered, but not too closely, right opposite the QECP visitor centre but on the wrong side of the road. There is a well signposted underpass to get to the centre however for some reason we did not check this until all other ways had been exhausted, including Romping Donkey making a good start at an ascent of Butser Hill.

So under the underpass we went, to be greeted by Woo Woo but I could not see his chopper, it must have been concealed about his person.

Some of us were lured by falsies to the heights above the visitor centre and some ventured up Shipwright's way, but we should have known that Bika would favour the Park Run trail, because he is Mr Big of Park Run in these here parts.

Now we were in the heart of Holtdown Plantation with no real landmarks by which to describe our passage, heading generally West via a series of step shaped changes of direction. Bright white hard hard chalk and flint and a biting wind through the bones giving way to a dark soft mattress of pine needles in cool calm shade, and then repeat.

In one of the wooded excursions which had an especially soft floor and a dreamlike calm air we chanced upon a small fairy shrine at the base of a tree, obviously the work of elves.

It was only when we popped out near the edge of the park that overlooks Windmill Hill that we realised where we were. Not only that we spied bubble number two plodding up Chalton Down, eddin for the og.

Catching them was no easy task, a steep climb, with Showjumper saying "I thought this was a run, race you to the top!", a race that she easily won, but it's not all about winning is it ? it's falling apart that counts.

It was a short stumble from the top onto the side road and back to the Og, after one hour and twenty minutes of vigorous Hashing.

A few hung around in the car park to chew some fat and listen to Woo Woo going on and on about Golf and how to be a good swinger, something about having your knees above your toes and a smooth stroke with follow through.

On On ! Bambi

See: SM's attenuated track ... AND ... photos by Bambi and Romping Donkey


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Last Updated: 17 April 2024 | © Chichester Hash House Harriers